Junior teaches us the meaning of love

This post chronologically should be before Junior’s Birthday, since the event occurred at Niki’s 6 week well check. When I updated our COMING SOON section just now, it came to mind and I recalled how I had intended to blog it – so that I never forget the first tangible example of the LOVE Junior has for his little sister. I write LOVE because I believe at the moment it happened I realized what love really is – in it’s simplest form – is when you’ll do everything in your power to keep someone you care about from feeling pain.

So the story goes…..Junior goes with me to Niki’s checkup and he reads some books at first and switches back and forth from the rocker to the chair in the room, then the doctor comes in, and he keeps trying to tell me something all through her checking Niki’s eyes, ears, nose, joints, etc. All the children use the same practice so the doctor recognizes him and tells him “Joe, this appointment today is for your sister and I am talking to your Mommy. You need to wait until we are done talking and not interrupt.” My thoughts were a mixture – of gratitude for the discipline she instilled – and sadness because he really seemed to want to say something. He held onto me while the doctor mentioned four or five more things and then turned to him, acknowledging it was finally his turn. He immediately looked up and said “Tell them don’t put the pur-temp-pur in Nickel’s bum”. My heart melted. I apologized to the doctor for his interruptions but explained that he had been trying to tell us not to hurt Niki because at Niki’s last appointment the nurse poorly attempted a rectal temperature THREE times, to which she screamed her head off and Junior obviously didn’t want her to go through that pain ever again. The doctor dropped to Junior’s level and told him what a wonderful and caring big brother he was to protect his little sister like that. Junior was proud but deep down seemed more relieved and very happy that his baby sister would not cry on this day. (Note: I didn’t let him go to the 2 month well check – She got 3 shots – I really wasn’t ready for him to try and take out the nurse with his plastic sword. He’ll be skipping the 4 month well check too.) =)

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